Friday, January 11, 2019

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What a wonder life is...

All Is Impermanent.. looking back on all that ive experienced in what is now very much as if a series of past lives... everything is so dreamlike. All the people I met, all the experiences... transient like a mirage or fever dream. At 18 I set out to find myself, to not be like the rest of the family that my vessel was born into. now 33.. Every last moment of sacrifice was so worth it. All the years homeless and in rough conditions. All the pilgrimage and travel. It has all added up into making me very strong and gave me penetrating insight and wisdom awareness.. Having severed the gross attachments to family and place and objects... I am like an alien in comparison to those who have not let yet go into the unknown.. free fall. Now I have a wonderful wife, and a home to live in, and some nice things. Still I feel as if I am in a wonderful dream and I just must smile at it

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Any replies to my posts coming from an unenlightened place meant to drop the vibration of others concerned, to judge, demean, correct, etc. instead of sharing insights and friendly commentary with an open mind, is subject to, and will most likely be deleted. I am not allowing just anyone in my circle anymore. My spaceship will not be crash landing (my enlightenment will not be tarnished) by the few bad apples who want to continue to wallow in mental poison and spread their bad energy elsewhere. Peace. That is not what my space on this platform is for, per my intention.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

As Inseperable from Fox Goddess herself, bless myself and bless all life interconnected with me by the power and truth of the 3 times 3 and the power of the truth itself and all sacred numbers, divinity, and merits so be it.